SCHOOL OF LAW / Public Law Department
Short Biography
She completed her undergraduate education at Selçuk University Faculty of Law in 2010. In the same year, he completed his double major program at Selçuk University Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism. The same year he graduated, he started working as a research assistant at Yalova University, Department of Constitutional Law. She completed her master's program in 2014 with her thesis titled 'Presidency of the State in Government Systems and Turkey'. During her master's program, she was a visiting researcher at Harvard University Law School for her thesis research. Between 2015-2017, she worked as a research assistant at Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Department of Constitutional Law. During her doctoral thesis period, she was a visiting researcher at Boston University Latin American Studies Center. She completed her PhD thesis titled "Electoral Cycle in Multi-Party Presidential Systems" at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University in 2023.